770305 - CTE Intro to Computer App
Instructor: Todd McLeod
Office: BE-112
Phone / Text: (559) 744-3647
Email: toddmcleod@gmail.com
Office Hours:
M 7:30 - 8:30 PM
T / TH 5:50 - 8:20
F 9 - 11 By email & phone
Course Materials - Textbook & Training Software:
We will be using MyItLab & Technology In Action Complete (13th edition)
Purchasing MyItLab access - choose one of the below two options:
- Fresno City College Bookstore - MyItLab & physical copy of textbook USED = $79
- Fresno City College Bookstore - MyItLab & physical copy of textbook NEW = $105
- www.MyItLab.com - MyItLab & electronic digital copy of textbook = $75
Do not purchase your materials anywhere else!
You will need access to a computer to complete the work in this course. This course focuses upon computers running Microsoft Windows. Some of the assignments in this course require Microsoft Office.
You are about to embark on an exciting journey learning about the information revolution and the incredible world of computers. By the end of this course, you will …
- understand how computers work
- be more knowledgeable when purchasing a computer
- understand the role computers play in society
- have an appreciation for the Information Age in relation to the rest of history
- gain an understanding of computer terminology
- understand the relationship between hardware and software
- understand the role of operating systems
- understand the benefits of networking
- gain skills using Windows
- gain skills creating word documents, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations
- understand some of the logic behind programming
- gain skills creating a basic computer program
- learn how to more efficiently and effectively write good-looking papers
- gain skills using the Internet
- Use a word processing program to design and create a document
- Use a spreadsheet program to design and create a spreadsheet
- Use a relational database program to design and create a database with at least one working query
- Use a visual programming environment to create and code a program
- Demonstrate fluency with computer concepts
MyItLab: 50%
Blackboard 50%
RE: Myitlab
Inside MyItLab, your MyItLab score is determined by an average of all items including the final. All items are equally weighted.
Inside Canvas, your score is determined by an average of all items. All items are equally weighted.
The following grading scale will be used:
90 – 100 A
80 – 89.9 B
70 – 79.9 C
60 – 69.9 D
- Half of your grade comes from blackboard.
- Half of your grade comes from MyItLab.
- Example:
- Blackboard shows: 80%
- MyItLab shows: 100%
- your calculation:
- half of 80% is 40%
- half of 100% is 50%
- you have earned 40% + 50% = 90% in the class
- Another Example:
- Blackboard shows: 60%
- MyItLab shows: 80%
- your calculation:
- half of 60% is 30%
- half of 80% is 40%
- you have earned 30% + 40% = 70% in the class
- You can take the quizzes / assessments as many times as you’d like.
- Your highest score will be kept when making more than one attempt.
- There is one "official class discussion" every week.
- Only postings in the "official class discussions" are graded.
- Discussions are due at the end of the week though if I have yet to grade them, you can still post to that discussion and receive credit.
- The discussions are designed to engender community and combat the feeling that you are alone in this class. Grading of the discussions focuses on participation.
CLASS PARTICIPATION (in-person class only)
- You will be required to provide a 3X5 index card at the end of each class with your name, the date, and your thoughts on what was covered in class that day. You can share the best thing that you learned that day, ask a question, both of those things, or something similar. You will be graded on your participation in class which will include your thoughts detailed on these 3X5 cards.
- The final will be available online in MyItLab during the last two weeks.
- You are able to take the final as many times as you’d like.
- The computer will keep your highest score.
- The final will only test you on material from the textbook.
- Official class discussions (which are only in the online class) are due at the end of every week, by Sunday midnight, or before I grade them. Everything else in the course is due before the last day of the course. You need to pace yourself through this course.
The ultimate deadline in the class for turning in all work: FRIDAY 05/19/2017 at 8:00 AM
If you wish to receive credit for this class, it is your responsibility to verify that you are enrolled in the class. To verify that you are enrolled in the class, please look at WebAdvisor online or visit the registrar’s office in the student service’s building at FCC.
If you wish to drop this course, it is your responsibility to do so. The student has the ultimate responsibility for dropping the course.
Students may be dropped for not showing up to class. In the online class, “showing up to class” means that you are at least posting to the “official class discussion” every week. If you do not post to the “official class discussion” during the first week, you may be dropped as a “no show.” If you do not post to the “official class discussions” for two consecutive weeks, you may also be dropped.
Reinstatement must be made by formal petition and is the responsibility of the student.
If you have a verified need for an academic accommodation or materials in alternate media (for example: Braille, large print, electronic text, etc.) per the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please contact your instructor as soon as possible.
- You are not allowed to use your cellphone in class.
- The instructor reserves the right to change the schedule, the number of assignments, the syllabus, and any other information related to the course or scheduling on this syllabus or otherwise. Changes will be announced via blackboard.
- It is your responsibility to check your Fresno City College email address. If you do not check your FCC email, you may not receive emails from the instructor.
- For efficiency, there may be times when your work and/or grades will be seen or checked by other persons.
- You are expected to conduct yourself with the highest moral and ethical behavior. Any cheating, plagiarism or offensive behavior will be dealt with according to campus policy (see college catalog for details of campus policy). The college regards cheating as a serious offense. More than intelligence, more than beauty, more than money, more than a good grade, more than anything else in the world – honesty and integrity are the most valuable qualities any individual can have.
- enjoying lectures
- coming to class (in person class only)
- posting to official class discussion (online class only)
- working on assignments
- working in MyItLab
- reading textbook
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |